Friday, April 27, 2018

Mercenary Backstory: Cymbidium - Orchid Spellweaver

Far across the Misty Sea is a tropical paradise called Dendrobium. It is on those
shores that I spent much of my formative years, exploring the natural geography and getting into far too much trouble for the likes of my people. You see my kin, who can live for thousands of years, have developed a placid lifestyle and a child with an almost insatiable desire for adventure, such as myself, was a big headache.

Although there were many whom I annoyed, I developed a few strong relationships. My parents were beautiful beacons of light and shelter for their rare and wonderful orchid child. I had some teachers who were fond enough of my curious nature to overlook my propensity to wonder of from their tutelage after an interesting bug or animal. My clans elder was another who would always shake off the meditative crystals and attend my questions with a soft smile. And Tiburon, my familiar, whose mischievousness was complementary to my own and whose appearance as a raccoon confirmed to many my shame.

Why am I here instead of that enchanting place you ask? I am on a quest. It started with a cough, one no one was prepared for, one barely anyone knew the name of once it spread: sickness. My family is ill, snuffed out like that blade of grass under your shoe, and I must find their cure. My elder said that long ago our people wrote of some medicine deep within the Dagger Forest that could help us. I will do everything I can to bring it back to him.

Backstory written by Tawnya.

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