Thursday, May 3, 2018

Mercenary Backstory: Tabbax - Human Scoundrel

The Pursuit of Wealth - noble, pure and honest. My motives are direct and open for everybody to see. I make no excuses and offer no apologies - I pursue Wealth.

As a youngster I hated my parents; they seemed content to plow fields and tend to vegetable gardens while nobles and wealthy folks rode by on magnificent beasts and in wondrous carriages. How could anybody proudly smile and offer up a basket of vegetables while covered in dirt and not want what you see parading past? How can you happily sing songs in a dingy hovel every evening and not think about flinching some of those bracelets, medallions and tiaras? They seemed completely oblivious to all the gold coins trotting past the family farm - EVERY DAY?!?!

I was not so oblivious - I saw each flash of a gold ring, each glint of a precious stone, each coin purse bulging with wealth. I wanted it all. Why should they have it and not me? They looked down on me leading a beast pulling a plow - but someday I will look down on them.

While my family was celebrating each evening just being alive and together as a family, I was seething inside at how mundane, boring and dirty the life of a farmer was. One day I saw something that changed my life forever, I finally saw a way out of this drudgery and misery....

It had been raining for a few days and both the fields and the road were thick with deep mud. You can't plow in the mud because it makes the dirt really hard and the plants won't grow. I was instead given the task of fixing the fence beside the road with my hapless brother. We were knee deep in the mud and almost finished when we saw two nobles plodding towards us down the road. It was odd because nobles usually avoided travelling this road during the rain because of the mud.

When the nobles were beside us, they reined in their mounts and one of them asked us how far the nearest inn was. My brother was quick to suggest they were welcome to take cover and spend the night in our home. The look of disgust on their faces was quick and cut right through me. I hated them immediately.

Suddenly a woman dressed in dark leather armor and wearing twin bandoleers of knives stepped from the bushes on the other side of the road. The two men immediately tried to get their mounts moving again, but the deep mud made it apparent they were not going anywhere quickly. Their faces became very pale and their hands shook nervously. They were scared of her!

She must have had some magical boots because she nimbly stepped right up to the men, despite the deep mud. Brandishing a couple of the knives, she simply asked the men for their money and valuables. They hastily gathered a bunch of their trinkets and handed them over - it was so easy!

My brother spoke up and apologized because he did not have anything of value on him. The two men and the woman looked over at him in astonishment. I could not contain myself and shoved him over and into the mud, he was so stupid. The men laughed nervously, but the woman looked at me curiously. She told the men to get lost and when they were on their way she approached me. She handed me one of the coin pouches from the men and told me to use it to find my own way in the world, then she disappeared back into the brushes. She looked into my eyes and understood.

My brother had by now gotten to his feet and reached for the coin purse I had been given "Mom and Dad will be thrilled, we can buy a new plow and fix the water well!". I looked at the coin purse then looked at my brother covered head to toe in mud - and shoved him back into the mud. I climbed over the fence up onto the road and started making my way towards a new life and the pursuit of wealth.

The road for me has been difficult, long and fraught with battles against the undead. For some reason my path keeps being crossed by the undead. I hate the undead - they don't have any wealth. Really, this world would be much better without the undead around so I take every chance to eliminate them from the world. The Living Corpse remind me of farmers covered in mud - they are both stupid and I hate them.

I have never seen that woman again, but have cherished the lesson she taught me that day and the path she had set me upon.


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