Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Mercenary Backstory - Mal Drake the Human Scoundrel

"Gloomhaven is a dump. Not that it doesn’t have its upsides. The law enforcement is a joke. It has a lot of potential for growth. Growth means money and opportunities. I have yet to pay for a meal or a drink and the rent to have a space of my own isn’t horrible. I met some “adventurers” that might be able to provide some muscle for my own investigations, so for now we are “friends”. This is why I am really here, because here is where all leads to figuring out who Xorn is and what power he/she/it can provide me point.

We got a job to chase some paperwork from some fancy girl. We managed to even make a few extra coins before we left Gloomhaven in pursuit of this paper rogue (not positive this helmet is a good fit though). We got surrounded by a bunch of Inox thugs just after leaving town, apparently the people of Gloomhaven are not well liked by the indigenous Inox.  I thought having an Inox Brute in the group would have helped more than it did, no challenge of a fight to the death or anything exciting. We managed to lie our way out of a battle, but for some reason it seemed that the Inox and the Spellweaver were uncomfortable with that, although the Vermling didn’t seem to mind. At least the group isn’t full of boring, handsy humans that like to slave away to barely eke out a living through honest work or adventuring to champion some joke of a noble cause.

We reached the bandit lair and I decided to take it easy and size up the group and its capabilities. Never slacking enough to not be a valued part of the team, but letting them do the brunt work with their might, spells and weird stuff. The Mindthief seems to favor poisons and I am interested in seeing what I can learn from “him”. I really thought I was going to clean up money wise with this group, but the Brute claimed more money than I was expecting… and to avoid scrutiny I certainly am not going to call him out for it. At first it was pretty boring, thugs and some bowmen… but I was surprised to see some living dead which might lead to something more interesting. The bones went down too easy to offer real promise, but where the dead walk Xorn rumors stir. I am sure I can steer things in the right directions as I learn more. "

Daniel Hammond wrote this up - Thanks Dan!

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